Child development (0-6 month old)

Every child grows and develops at an individual speed. In this article, you can find milestones babies generally achieving from birth to 6 month old:
1-3 m.o:
• Sleeping 18-19 hours a day
• Turns towards sound
• Follows object with eyes
• Grasp objects
• Gradually lifts head
4-6 m.o:
• Sleeping 16-17 hours a day
• Sees things and reaching them
• Pushes up with arms when on tummy
• Might be able to roll over
1-3 m.o:
• Begins to make vowel sounds
• Becomes calm when spoken to
• Cries differently for different needs
4-6 m.o:
• Begins to babble or imitate sounds
• Laughs
1-3 m.o:
• Tries to look at parents or other people
• Starts to smile at people
• Shows interest in objects and human faces
• May get bored with repeated activities
4-6 m.o:
• Recognizes familiar faces
• Notices music
• Responds to signs of love and affection
• Responds to facial expressions
• Enjoys playing with people
• Responds differently to different voice tones
General recommendation to parents with kids this age:
• It’s recommended for parents to speak to their children a lot during this phase, because hearing your voice will help your baby to develop communication skills
• Respond right away when your baby cries. Picking up and comforting a crying baby (not always by feeding) to builds strong bonds between the two of you.
‼️ Highly not recommend to use any kind of “Cry it out” or “Controlled cry” sleep methods!
Suitable sleep training method: No cry