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Child development (18 - 24 month old)

Child development (18 - 24 month old)

Every child grows and develops at an individual speed. In this article, you can find milestones babies generally achieving from 18 to 24 month old:

During the toddler years, children continue to need lots of sleep, good nutrition, and loving relationships with parents.


18 m.o:
• Sleeping 13 hours per day
• Can help in getting dressed
• Begins to run very fast, dancing
• Drinks well from a cup
• Eats with a spoon
• Can walk while pulling a toy
• Sitting in adult chair

24 m.o:
• Sleeping 13 hours per day
• Jumps up and down
• Stands on tip-toes
• Can draw lines and round shapes
• Throws balls
• May climb stairs using rails to hold on or independently


18 m.o:
• Knows several words
• Follows simple directions
• Likes hearing short stories or songs

24 m.o:
• May ask simple questions
• Can name many things
• Uses simple two-word phrases like “more milk”, “legs go”, “good night”, etc
• Says the names of familiar people


18 m.o:
• May identify familiar things in picture books
• Knows what common objects do
• Scribbles
 Follows single-step requests like “Please stand up”, “sit down”, etc
• May help with tasks like putting away toys
• Is proud of what they’ve accomplished
• Recognizes self in mirror; may make faces
• May explore surroundings if parent stays close by

24 m.o:
• Builds towers from blocks
• May follow simple two-part instructions
• Groups like shapes and colors together
• Plays pretend games
• Enjoys play dates
• Playing besides other children, may start playing with them
• May defy directions like “sit down” or “come back here”
General recommendation to parents with kids this age:
• Create predictable routines and rituals to keep your child feeling secure and grounded
• Toddler-proof your home and yard so kids can explore safely
• Use gentle guidance and teach children. Avoid hitting, verbal abuse, which can cause long-term physical and emotional harm
• Be responsive to your child need every time he is bothered with something. Avoid baby to left alone cry

Sleep training: Highly not recommend to use any kind of “Cry it out” or “Controlled cry” sleep methods!
Suitable sleep training method: “No cry” method ONLY.

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