When do Toddlers stop napping

Nap time is an opportunity for you and your toddler to recharge. So when your toddler shows early signs of weaning themselves off single day nap, you might approach this change with a little resistance. No panic, let’s read how to deal with it.
When do kids stop napping?
There are no exact answer when child drops a nap. Each kid is different. So your child may stop napping sooner than a friend’s child, or sooner than their siblings.It depends on: the kid himself, his energy level, how much sleep they’re getting at night, and how active they are during the day. The research says that only about 50% of children still nap by age 4, and only 30% still nap by age 5, 10% napping till 6.
But before you will support your child with no nap routine, look for signs that indicate whether your child is REALLY ready to stop napping. Pls note, that’s can’t happen at age bellow 3 y.o.
Signs that child is ready to stop napping:
If even you made your baby fall asleep in the day time, it’s lasting very less.
Your child’s behaviour aren’t changing over the day: baby is in normal mood all day long. A significant attitude shift in the post lunch or near evenings can indicate that your child still need nap during the day.
Child isn’t looking/feeling sleepy over the day:
The bottom line is - a sign that your child is ready to drop naps is the ability to skip a nap without signs of crankiness or exhaustion.
What is drop of nap and how to do that:
Dropping naps is a gradual process that starts with your toddler going from two naps to one nap, and then, from two to one nap, slowly decreasing the length of their one nap. But keep in mind that less sleep during the day means they may need more sleep earlier at night. They likely will fall asleep earlier or may sleep later in the morning if allowed.
”Quite time” once nap is dropped:
Even though your child may no longer need naps, they can still benefit from a little downtime each day.
Rest periods give your child’s body and mind an opportunity to relax and recharge. A “quiet time” routine also comes in handy for parents.
Your child might not be required to fall asleep, but they might be required to lie on their bed on proposed time (preferably their past so time) for an hour in a dim light or dark room and relax. You can tell the story or cuddle.
Also it’s a good idea to still propose a nap 1-2 times a week to avoid collecting overtiredness.
Nap times can recharge parent and child, but eventually, your child will need fewer and fewer naps. The transition might be rougher on you than your child, but it only indicates that your baby is becoming a big kid and unlock the next milestone.